Migrant and Refugee Sunday

PRIEST: Our faith appears to contradict the wisdom of the world today; the reward for all who answer the call is eternal life in Christ Jesus. We ask the Lord to strengthen our faith today.

READER: Let us pray for Christian men and women in every corner of the earth. In God’s infinite love we have each been called to work in the world with honesty and justice. Let us pray that, we may be united in God’s love and compassion. Lord in your Mercy, Hear our prayer.

Let us pray for those forced from their homes and land, people in desperate hope for safety and a new life. May we see in them brothers and sisters in need. Lord in your Mercy, Hear our prayer.

We pray or all those suffering the evils of violence, terror, and slavery. May those responsible and those with the power have a change of heart and help the poorest in society. Lord in your Mercy, Hear our prayer.

Let us pray for missionaries and for the people they serve in God’s vineyard. May their work and witness be fruitful. Lord in your Mercy, Hear our prayer.

We pray for all those who are working for understanding and tolerance in our multi-faith multi-ethnic world. May we, members of this Catholic community, take the lead in building bridges of friendship and understanding with people of other faiths in our neighbourhood.

Lord in your Mercy, Hear our prayer.

Let us pray for our religious, political and civil leadership. That their ambitions may be for the growth and benefit of the people they are called to serve. Lord in your Mercy, Hear our prayer.

Let us pray for all who are sick, those in hospital and those who are housebound. We remember especially the sick of our own families wherever they may be. Lord in your Mercy, Hear our prayer.

Let us pray for those who have died through sickness, accident or violence. May they find the fullness of life in Christ. Lord in your Mercy, Hear our prayer.

Let us pray all who mourn, may they find the compassion and love of our loving Father. Lord in your Mercy, Hear our prayer.

Now let us pray for a few moments in silence for our own needs and intentions.

Let us ask Mary the Mother of the Lord to pray with us: Hail Mary…

PRIEST: Almighty and ever-living God. As we share in this Eucharist together, increase our hope in the Resurrection. We ask this through Christ Jesus our Lord. AMEN

Reflections on Mission for the Month of September


Communing with God in nature

Religion must help us to recapture much of the respect and reverence which earlier generations had for the natural world. There is, however, no way we can simply return to some idealised rustic past and forget the knowledge of the world which modern science has communicated to us. In fact these insights into the physical, biological and spiritual emergencies of our Earth can help us to go beyond the respect our ancestors had for the world. We see in the beauty and diversity of the myriad of life-forms a wonderful closely-related community which is fruitful if cared for but proves fragile when abused. It is a world that evokes awe, reverence, gratitude and prudent use, traditionally called husbandry.

The natural world is important for every religious tradition. In its beauty and abundance it is the primary revelation of God to all men and women. Like tribal people around the world, we must once again commune with God in nature.

Sean McDonagh in To care for the Earth

(Philippines, Ireland)

The heavens declare the glory of God; the sky proclaims its builder’s craft (Psalm 19:1)

Reflect: What aspects of our religion could help us to recapture a respect for the natural world?



Xenophobia, a common problem throughout Europe at present, frequently leaves immigrants with few options. There is a hesitancy to assert one’s presence and participation if the covert, and sometimes overt, message being received is one of being unwanted and being a burden or a risk to local security, culture and identity. There is lately a tendency in the European Union for member states to define themselves by those with whom they differ rather than by their own unique worth, value and belief systems.

The language being heard by immigrants in the heat of such encounters sends a message that they are seen as a problem, under suspicion and unwanted when at the same time immigrants know that the economy would not function without them. This unwelcoming atmosphere coerces immigrants to retreat into ethnicity leading to pools of disaffection that expresses itself in extremism of both left and right fundamentalism seeking identity elsewhere and posing a threat to general security.

Bobby Gilmore

(Philippines, Jamaica, Ireland)

So you too must befriend the alien, for you were once aliens yourselves in the land of Egypt (Deuteronomy 10:19)

Reflect: Why is xenophobia – a dislike of foreigners – abhorrent to followers of Jesus?


Inter-religious dialogue

Many prominent religious people are enthusiastic proponents of inter-religious dialogue. The Dalai Lama, for example, justifies it in words which capture the attitude of many contemporary Christians. He says that of the many problems we face today, some are natural calamities and must be accepted and faced with equanimity. Others, he says, are of our own making, created by misunderstanding and can be corrected. These arise from the conflict of ideologies, political or religious, when people fight each other for petty ends, losing sight of the basic humanity that binds us all together as a single human family.

In other words, inter-religious dialogue helps to mobilise the good-will and optimism which are required if the world’s major problems are to be effectively tackled – problems of poverty, environmental destruction, drug abuse, AIDS, racism, sexism and the depersonalising impact of technology. In the midst of such serious problems it would be a great tragedy if religious leaders worried only about their own internal affairs.

Sean Dwan

(Korea, Ireland)

Pure and lasting religion in the sight of God our Father means that we must care for orphans and widows in their troubles, and refuse to let the world corrupt us (James 1:27)

Reflect: How true is it that the world’s great faiths have enough in common to enable them to work together to tackle the world’s major problems?


Human Trafficking

Trafficking in people is becoming widespread, and now occupies third place after trafficking of drugs and arms. In fact, as the laws and punishment for drug dealers get tougher, many of them are now turning to the more lucrative and less law-controlled trade of slavery in women and children.

It’s crucial to look at this complex problem from many angles and the causes must also be addressed. Trafficking is not just a problem of migration but is a violation of human rights. It’s important to understand how gender-based discrimination and systems underpin the phenomenon. Without the racial stereotypes of the exotic – but passive – women from Third World countries, trafficking would not exist; nor would it without the male demand for prostitutes in the industrialised countries. Sexual advertising on the Internet implies that, for certain women, prostitution is a natural way of life. Even the mainstream tourist industry fosters and perpetuates these stereotypes.

Sr Mary Neylon

(Philippines, Peru)

Thus says the LORD… I will not revoke the punishment; because they sell the righteous for silver, and the needy for a pair of sandal;, because they trample on the heads of ordinary people and push the poor out of their path. (Amos 2:6-7)

Reflect: How can we tackle some of the issues that underlie the issue of human trafficking, particularly of women and children?


PRIEST: United in our faith, we turn to the Lord with all our needs.

READER: Let us pray for the Church – for Pope Francis, for all the Bishops and for Christian communities in every nation of the world. We pray that the Church may be a visible sign of hope and mutual support. Lord in your Mercy: Hear our Prayer.

On this education Sunday, we remember all children, students and teachers returning to school after the summer holidays. We pray that the new term brings new joys as well as the cooperation in facing new challenges.

Lord in your Mercy: Hear our Prayer.

May the Eucharist we celebrate in the name of the Lord Jesus bring us closer to each other today regardless of ethnic, cultural and sociological differences. Lord in your Mercy: Hear our Prayer.

We pray for missionaries today, may they be true instruments of peace and hope.

Lord in your Mercy: Hear our Prayer.

We pray for everyone devastated by the extremes of the changing climate around the world. We pray for all who have lost their homes and their livelihoods. We especially pray for the poor and marginalised, for the sick and the frail hit so hard by these disasters. And we pray for all who have died. May they rest in peace. Lord in your Mercy: Hear our Prayer.

We Remember all the armed conflicts that plague our world, all the victims and merchants of violence. May reconciliation with justice prevail. Lord in your mercy: Hear our Prayer.

Let us ask Mary, the mother of the Lord and our mother, to pray with us. Hail Mary…

Now let us pray for a few moments in the silence of our hearts.

PRIEST: Almighty and merciful God,

we worship together in the name of the Lord Jesus,

sharing one bread and one cup.

Through our celebration of the Eucharist,

may the gift of the Holy Spirit fill our hearts

to strengthen us in unity and common understanding.

We ask this through Christ Our Lord. AMEN


PRIEST: United in the faith we have professed we turn to the Lord with all our needs.

READER: We pray for the Church throughout the world that Christian communities may be seen as a place of welcome for people of every nation, ethnic difference and tradition. We pray for our own community. Lord hear us. Lord graciously hear us.

Let us pray for all who are suffering and displaced through the effects of rising sea levels and extreme weather conditions. May they find a generous welcome from those with the means to give real help. Lord hear us. Lord graciously hear us.

Let us pray for Pope Francis and for all the young people. May the faith of each be inspired and strengthened. We pray that this new generation may work for peace and reconciliation amongst all nations and peoples. Lord hear us. Lord graciously hear us.

Let us pray for the victims of armed conflict who are struggling to rebuild their lives. Lord hear us. Lord graciously hear us.

Let us pray for the world’s leaders and diplomats that they may truly care and work for the good of their people. Lord hear us. Lord graciously hear us.

Let us pray for all who are sick and for all who care for them that they may be given the means and resources they need for healing. Lord hear us. Lord graciously hear us.

We pray for all Missionaries today, especially those working in dangerous and hostile places. May their faith and courage be strengthened by our prayers. Lord hear us. Lord graciously Hear us.

Let us ask Mary the Mother of the Lord to pray with us. Hail Mary …

In the silence of our hearts, let us pray for our own families and friends.

PRIEST: Almighty and everliving God, we give thanks for all the good gifts that you set before us. Help us to use wisely all your gifts and be ready share with all who are in need; we ask this through Christ our Lord. AMEN.



PRIEST:God grants his mercy to all who call on him for help, we turn to the Lord with all our needs.

READER: We pray that all Christian communities gathered at the Lord’s Table, may be seen as a people who hear and are filled with the spirit of mercy and compassion. Lord in your Mercy: Hear our Prayer.

We pray that we may be a people who choose to follow Christ on the way to perfection by rejecting all that hinders and distracts us from true discipleship. Lord in your Mercy: Hear our Prayer.

For all who promote ethnic discrimination, hatred and violence, may their hearts be changed to see that God is calling all to repentance and reconciliation. Lord in your Mercy: Hear our Prayer.

Let us pray for Missionaries today, who bring the good news of hope to the nations, may they be graced with the faith and courage they need to build communities of faith. Lord in your Mercy: Hear our Prayer.

We pray for those caught up in violent conflict, death and destruction, especially in the middle East. May Christ help them find true justice and peace of life in Him. Lord in your Mercy: Hear our Prayer.

Let us pray for the world’s leaders and diplomats that all nations may work together to bring about a just peace in the world and hope for future generations. Lord in your Mercy: Hear our Prayer.

Let us remember the poor and destitute, and pray that the world’s wealth and abundance may be justly shared with all who are in need. Lord in your Mercy: Hear our Prayer.

Let us pray for all who are sick and for all who are in hospital that they may be aware that the Lord is with them in their troubles. Lord in your Mercy: Hear our Prayer.

We remember all those who have recently died and those whose anniversaries occur at this time. May they find the fullness of life in Christ. Lord in your Mercy: Hear our Prayer.

In the silence of our hearts, let us pray for our own families and friends.

Let us ask Mary the Mother of the Lord to pray with us. Hail Mary …

PRIEST: Almighty and ever-living God,

we give thanks for the bread of life we are about to share, grant that it may fill us with love and hope.

we ask this through Christ our Lord. AMEN.


PRIEST: When the storms of life seem to overwhelm us, we turn to the Lord and ask for our faith to be strengthened.

READER: We pray for the Church throughout the world and Christian communities, gathered at the Lord’s Table. May we be seen as a place of welcome for people of every nation, ethnic origin and tradition. Lord in your Mercy, Hear our prayer

In God’s infinite love we have each been called to a journey of faith to come to him when he calls. We pray that, through the Word of God, we have the courage to step into the unknown. Lord in your Mercy, Hear our prayer

Let us pray for the world’s leaders and diplomats that they inspire all nations may work together to end the violence and destruction of lives. May God help us build a world with a Just Peace and Hope for future generations. Lord in your Mercy, Hear our prayer

Let us pray for all the victims of human trafficking and slavery. May we follow Christ’s example and do our part in setting them free with compassion and justice. Lord in your Mercy, Hear our prayer

Let us remember the unemployed, those who have lost the ability to work and so do not have enough to eat. We pray that the world’s wealth and abundance may be justly shared with all who are in need. Lord in your Mercy, Hear our prayer

Let us pray for all who are sick and for all who care for them that they may be aware that the Lord is with them in their troubles. Lord in your Mercy, Hear our prayer

let us pray for those who have died as a result of illness and those killed through violence and accident. May they find the fullness of life in Christ. Lord in your Mercy, Hear our prayer

In the silence of our hearts, let us pray for our own families and friends.

Let us ask Mary the Mother of the Lord to pray with us. Hail Mary …

PRIEST: Almighty and ever-living God, we give thanks for all the good gifts that you set before us. Help us to use them wisely and be ready share with all who are in need; we ask this through Christ our Lord. AMEN.

Reflections on Mission for the Month of August

By Columban Missionaries


Losing weight

I recall the words of a neighbour a few weeks after I arrived in Condevilla, a barrio on the outskirts of Lima, Peru. I had recently moved in to live with a family and was trying to relate as friend and neighbour as well as resident priest. He said to me in the course of the conversation: “Padre, you are a man of weight in this barrio”. He was referring, of course, to the presumed cultural superiority and economic clout that my North American identity gave to me. I had to spend the next two years or so “losing weight”.

By emptying himself of his being God, Christ commits himself to a radical way of mission relationship. His self-emptying was the doorway to mission. As a result he could do mission with empty hands. He could relate to people as brother, servant, pastor, prophet. With empty hands, aware of our vulnerabilities, frailties and fears, we too reach out in mission.

Frank Regan

(Peru, Britain)

But he emptied himself, taking the form of a slave, becoming as human beings are (Philippians 2:7)

Reflect: How important is it to embark on mission with humility?



Exploiting the poor

What if you had have been born in Africa on the Ivory Coast, or in Ghana? What if you had have been born in some other country of the South? What gives us the right, because of historical accident, to take for ourselves all the wealth of the earth and pollute it and destroy it at a level which is not sustainable? We have no right to do that. So I think we need to keep pushing the powerful Group of Eight (G8) world leaders to actually do something about it. Not next year, not when all the conditions they impose on poor countries are fulfilled, but now. 

If we, the dominant 20 percent only take for ourselves the vast majority of the goodness of the earth, and at the same time pollute at a level of 40 times more than what anyone else does in the Third World, then what sort of a society do we have?

Brian Gore

(Philippines, Australia)

Do not rob the poor because they are poor, or crush the afflicted at the gate (Proverbs 22:22)

Reflect: What obligations do we have to the poor from our standpoint as citizens of one of the world’s rich and powerful countries?



Learning humility

The Asian tsunami of December 2004 must teach us humility with respect to the natural world and indigenous peoples. We tend to think that modern human society has the technological capacity to dominate nature and solve any environmental problem, but this is not the case. In fact, the disaster demonstrated that humans lack the sensitivity of other living species. In Thailand, a handful of tourists had elephants to thanks for their lives. The animals felt the earthquake and sensed the tsunami coming, their keepers said. They began to trumpet inconsolably and turned to move inland.

Indigenous peoples too had sufficient affinity with the natural world to know that something was wrong. The Onge tribal people of the Andaman and Nicobar islands, for example, largely escaped the waves. They fled to high ground when they noticed the sea level receding in an unusual way. According to Survival International, their awareness of the ocean has been accumulated over 60,000 years of inhabiting the islands.

Ellen Teague

(Nigeria, Britain)

Pay attention to this, foolish and senseless people who have eyes and see not, who have ears and hear not (Jeremiah 5:21)

Reflect: Why has mainstream human society grown away from an affinity with God’s creation?



Interfaith by radio

When Pope John Paul II invited leaders of different Faiths to pray with him in Assisi in January 2002, it was arguably the high point of his long Pontificate. His extraordinary initiative showed respect for other religions and recognised that God relates with people in many different ways. About the same time in Pakistan, and no doubt elsewhere, people of goodwill sought greater acceptance of religious differences through interfaith meetings.

We should not need a 9/11 or the more recent tragic events of 7/7 to shock us into seeking harmony with other religions. But such meetings at least bring some good out of the violence. Dialogue between religious leaders is important as they explore differences and, more importantly, points of unity. But we must not forget ordinary people. Where I work, in Pakistan, we use radio to reach illiterate people, especially in remote villages, who are most at the mercy of fanatics.

Colm Murphy

(Korea, Belgium, Pakistan)

He made from one the whole human race to dwell on the entire surface of the earth, and he fixed the ordered seasons and the boundaries of their region. And he did this so that they might seek the deity and, by feeling their way towards him, succeed in finding him; and indeed he is not far from any of us (Acts 17:26-27)

Reflect: What can we learn from the scriptural quote above?


PRIEST: United in the faith we have proclaimed together, that our God is just and loving and close to all who call on him from their hearts, we now turn to the Lord with all our longings.

READER: Let us pray for Christian men and women in every corner of the earth. In God’s infinite love we have been provided with all we need. Let us pray that the true bread of Heaven we share today will help us grow in our Love and compassion for those in need. Lord in your Mercy, Hear our Prayer

Let us pray that our minds and hearts may be filled with a desire for a spiritual revolution, and pursue the goodness and holiness of truth. Lord in your Mercy, Hear our Prayer

Let us pray for the poor and marginalised, those who have no home or employment. May those with enough be generous and compassionate. Lord in your Mercy, Hear our Prayer

Let us pray for all who are suffering and displaced through the effects of rising sea levels and extreme weather conditions. May they find a generous welcome from those with the means to give real help. Lord in your Mercy, Hear our Prayer

Let us pray for all victims of violence and deadly conflict. May they truly experience the love of God and the compassion of Christians in their need. Lord in your Mercy, Hear our Prayer.

We pray for all Missionaries today, especially those working in dangerous and hostile places. May their faith and courage be strengthened by our prayers. Lord in your Mercy, Hear our Prayer

We pray for the sick, may the skill and dedication of health workers bring real and lasting healing. Lord in your Mercy, Hear our Prayer

Let us pray for all who have died in these days and for those who mourn. Lord in your Mercy, Hear our Prayer

Now let us pray for a few moments in silence for our own needs and intentions.

Let us ask Mary the Mother of the Lord to pray with us: Hail Mary…

PRIEST: Almighty and ever-living God,you give us life and feed us with the Body of Christ, As we share in this Eucharist together may our hearts be filled with your strength and love.
We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord. AMEN


PRIEST: United in the faith we have proclaimed together, we now turn to the Lord with all our longings.

READER: Let us pray for Christian men and women in every corner of the earth. In God’s infinite love we have each been called to share one spirit, one body at the table of the Lord. Let us pray that, our communion will bring us closer to each other and to the Lord. Lord in your Mercy, Hear our Prayer.

Let us pray that our hearts may understand how to discern all that is good, pure and noble and so become living examples of God’s love for us. Lord in your Mercy, Hear our Prayer.

Let us pray for our leaders and politicians, that they seek the wisdom and compassion they need to serve all the people regardless of social and ethnic differences. Lord in your Mercy, Hear our Prayer.

We pray for all those who are working for understanding and tolerance in our multi-ethnic, multi-faith world. We pray especially that we, members of this Catholic community, will take the lead in building bridges of friendship and understanding with other faiths in our neighbourhood.
Lord in your Mercy, Hear our Prayer.

We pray or all those suffering as victims of violence and conflict. May those responsible and those with the power, work for peace and protect the poorest in society. Lord in your Mercy, Hear our Prayer.

Let us pray for those affected by the changing climate. Those who are displaced and homeless. May they be granted the aid and sustenance they need. Lord in your Mercy, Hear our Prayer.

Let us pray for all who are sick, those in hospital and those who are housebound. We remember especially the sick of our own community and our own families wherever they may be. Lord in your Mercy, Hear our Prayer.

Now let us pray for a few moments in silence for our own needs and intentions.

Let us ask Mary the Mother of the Lord to pray with us: Hail Mary…

PRIEST: Almighty and ever-living God, you have made us into the Body of Christ and your people on earth. As we share in this Eucharist together may our hearts be filled with your wisdom, love and compassion. We ask this through Christ our Lord. AMEN


PRIEST: The Scriptures teach us that God is full of Love to all who call.. Let us not be afraid to ask for what we need today.

READER: Let us pray for the Ministers of the Church, may they be true servants of the Lord. May they sow the good seed of God’s word. And may that seed grow to fruition in us. Lord In your Mercy: Hear our Prayer.

Let us pray for those who would do us harm, who sow the evil and poison of hatred and discrimination. May the be changed by the redeeming love of God.

Lord In your Mercy: Hear our Prayer.

Let us pray for the victims of violence, domestic and commercial. We pray for comfort for the bereaved and repentance for those responsible. May they be granted the healing peace only Christ can give. Lord In your Mercy: Hear our Prayer.

God’s spirit is always praying for us. May we have the will to work for unity, justice and peace.Lord In your Mercy: Hear our Prayer.

Let us pray for Missionaries who face opposition and indifference to God’s message of life. May they be strengthened in their faith and courage.

Lord In your Mercy: Hear our Prayer.

As we prepare for this Eucharist, we pray for all who cannot take part in it today for whatever reason. May we be inspired to reach out with true hospitality. Lord In your Mercy: Hear our Prayer.

Let us pray for all who bear the Cross of ill-health and long term sickness. May they be strengthened in their journey; encouraged by our prayers and support. Lord In your Mercy: Hear our Prayer.

Let us pray for those who were killed, by the extreme changes in the natural world. Lord In your Mercy: Hear our Prayer.

We pray for all recently dead and for those whose anniversaries occur at this time. Lord In your Mercy: Hear our Prayer.

Now let us pray for a few moments in silence for our own needs and intentions.

Let us ask Mary the Mother of the Lord to pray with us as we say: Hail Mary…

PRIEST: Almighty and ever-living God

we thank you for hearing and answering our prayers.

We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord. AMEN.